Gooralie Free Range Piggery

1461 Lienassie Road, Tarawera, QLD 4494
Name: Gooralie Free Range Piggery
Address: 1461 Lienassie Road, Tarawera, QLD 4494
LGA/Council: Goondiwindi Regional Council
Council website:
Council email:
Council phone: (07) 4671 7400
Summary: Gooralie Free Range Piggery is a pig meat farm located in Tarawera, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 764bc
Government-issued enterprise ID: 139
Environmental authority licence/number: PI LI 533
Capacity: 10649
View on map: Farm Transparency Map
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As of June 2018, Google Maps satellite imagery is outdated and does not show the piggery. Bing Maps does, at the following coordinates: -28.007565, 149.842804.

Large 1200-sow "bred free range" pig farm. The sows farrow in small huts. Once weaned, the piglets are moved into sheds and raised intensively until slaughter. 

Queensland's only RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme piggery. APIQ certified. 

Commonly referred to as being located in or near Goondiwindi. 

Supplies Borrowdale Pork brand.

Owned by Mark and Charisse Ladner.